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Health: Commission publishes Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan’s implementation roadmap

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Today, the European Commission published an implementation roadmap and progress indicators for Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan to monitor developments on the ten flagship initiatives as well as its other actions. The roadmap will undergo regular review by the Implementation Group.


Less than a year after its publication, Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is already bearing fruit. In June, the Commission launched the Knowledge Centre on Cancer followed by the launch of the HealthyLifestyle4All initiative in September. Work is also progressing in a number of areas including the revision of the Council Recommendation on cancer screening and a new Cancer Inequalities Register. Under the EU4Health programme’s 2021 Work Programme, 12 action grants and 4 joint actions have already been launched covering many aspects of cancer prevention and care.

A Stakeholder Contact Group, which supports the implementation of the Cancer Plan, will hold its second meeting in November to discuss the Horizon Europe Mission on Cancer and continue its work in the six thematic groups dedicated to prevention; early detection, diagnosis and treatment; quality of life; research, innovation and digitalisation; reducing inequalities and childhood cancer. Through this multi-stakeholder approach, the EU aims to improve the lives of more than 3 million people.

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