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Plant Health

Citrus Black Spot : Member States endorse reinforcement of measures regarding imports of citrus fruits

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The Member State’s experts endorsed – on 22 February – in the context of a Standing Committee a Commission’s proposal to prolong the emergency measures with specific import requirements for citrus fruits from Argentina, Brazil, South Africa and Uruguay, and strengthened the import requirements for citrus fruits originating in Brazil, to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the Union of citrus black spot (CBS). This measure sets out specific growing and inspection requirements for citrus fruits originating in those countries that had recurrent interceptions of CBS at the entry into the EU, with the aim to ensure that the fruits arriving to the EU are free from this disease.

The Decision on the prolongation and reinforcement of this emergency measure will be formally adopted by the Commission in the coming weeks.

For more information on emergency measures on import of plants and plant products, see SANTE’s webpage.

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