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Commission and WHO discuss how to strengthen their collaboration

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Tomorrow, 29 June 2018, senior European Commission and World Health Organization (WHO) officials will meet in Geneva to discuss how to strengthen health systems, Universal Health Coverage, health emergencies, and improving the health of populations (including Commission priorities such as vaccination and antimicrobial resistance).


Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Deputy Director-General Soumya Swaminathan and several other senior officials will represent the WHO, while Xavier Prats Monné, Director-General for Health and Food Safety, will lead the Commission delegation. Senior representatives of the Directorates-General for International Cooperation and Development, Environment, Research and Innovation, European Civil Protection, Humanitarian Aid Operations will also attend the meeting, as well as staff of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

The discussions will also focus on joint activities, shared priorities, the advancement of health goals of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, and the implementation of the 2015 Vilnius Declaration, which sets the collaboration between EU and WHO Europe.

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